Bent u benieuwd naar de impact van de ‘storm’ aan Europese wet- en regelgeving die op ons afkomt met betrekking tot circulair bouwen?
Meld u aan voor de Metrex-sessie over de position paper EU en ontdek de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en wetten binnen de Europese Unie, die de bouwsector zullen beïnvloeden, zowel voor bedrijven als voor overheden verzorgd door CircuLaw. We bespreken de Construction Products Regulation (CPR) evenals hoe deze wet- en regelgeving organisaties raakt. Daarnaast laten we zien waar juist kansen liggen voor lokale overheden om circulair bouwen te stimuleren, specifiek voor aanbestedingen en in beleid.
Circular Economy and Construction in Urban Regions (CPR)
September 27, 2024 (12.00-14.00 CET time) by MS Teams
12.00 -12.10 Welcome and introduction to the Program
with Peter Pol, City of The Hague (program initiator)
and Henk Bouwman, METREX (moderator)
12.10-12.40 EU legal framework as concerns the circular economy regulation in the construction sector
With Circulaw, Expert on EU regulations in this sector, including presentation of draft position paper (20 min presentation, 10 min discussion)
12:40 -13:05 The Local authority level
With Chandar van der Zande, City of Amsterdam, Circular and Biobased Built Environment
(15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion)
Explanation of circular construction case, spatial consequences and legal dimensions.
13.05-13.25 Construction, product, Investor
With Dura Vermeer construction company (developer, contractor (15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion) – tbc
Explanation of circular construction case, spatial consequences and legal dimensions
13.25-13.50 Plenary discussion – interactive with f.i. break out rooms, polls, chat
Does the current EU -regulation help to stimulate circularity in the construction sector and to what spatial effects do it lead in urban regions?
Does it eventually lead to unwanted (spatial) side effects in urban regions?
What are good rules, rules that do not work, and desired new rules?
13.50-14.00 Main takeaways of the session and follow-up steps for the next physical conference on this theme