Bronnen: Circle Economy

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4 bronnen gevonden

The Circularity Gap Report – Built Environment, the Netherlands

Only 8% of the building materials used in the Netherlands are circular, according to this report. The report not only puts its finger on the sore spot, but also presents concrete solutions to work towards a fully circular construction sector.

Bouwen aan een houten toekomst

Vier scenario’s voor de mogelijke ontwikkeling van houtbouw, zowel vanuit het oogpunt van industrialisatie als van milieuwetgeving.

The Circularity Gap Report – the Netherlands

According to this report, NL is 24.5% circular. For 4 sectors, including construction, research has been done into what is needed for the transition. In construction, the question is: how can we use what we already have?

Circle Assessment

The Circle Assessment is an online tool for companies that provides a score in seven key areas of the circular economy.