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37 bronnen gevonden

The Circularity Gap Report – the Netherlands

Volgens dit rapport is NL voor 24,5% circulair. Voor 4 sectoren, waaronder de bouw, is onderzocht wat er nodig is voor de transitie. In de bouw geldt: hoe kunnen we gebruik maken van wat we al hebben?

Circularity Check

The Circularity Check is an online self-assessment of 60 questions that determines a circularity score for a specific product or service.

Circle Assessment

The Circle Assessment is an online tool for companies that provides a score in seven key areas of the circular economy.


The IMPACT method quantifies (among other things) which savings can be made on the use of raw materials and materials during the production process of products.

Circular Procurement in 8 steps

This English-language book is a guide to purchasing circular products. With starting points, examples and a lot of knowledge and practical experience.

Circularity Calculator

The Circularity Calculator determines a score from 0 to 100% for the circularity of products. The tool provides insight and options for new product design and business models.

Cradle to Cradle-certificering

The Cradle to Cradle certification details the circularity of a product on a scale from 'Bronze' to 'Platinum'.

Metabolism Analysis

Metabolic develops tools around circularity that reduce complexity and visualize key metrics and information flows.

A framework for circular buildings – indicators for possible inclusion in BREEAM

This report offers a strategic framework with conditions for a circular building. Which circular indicators can be added to the BREEAM-NL sustainability label?