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37 bronnen gevonden
Circular buildings: Strategies and case studies
What is circular construction and what steps can you take? This document connects theory to practice, with facts, background stories, examples and interviews with constructors, designers and experts.
Circular Procurement in 8 Steps: Guideline for the Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Industry
This guideline offers eight steps for circular procurement with a wide variety of examples from the civil and hydraulic engineering industry.
Setting up base camp by 2023 (work in progress)
This document explains where we stand with the circular construction economy. An important milestone will come in 2023 when the 'base camp' will be ready. This base camp comprises all the necessary instruments, tools and conditions to proceed.
Netherlands Integral Circular Economy Report 2021
Summary of bi-annual report produced under the Dutch Work Programme Monitoring and Evaluation CE 2019–23. Its purpose is to monitor and evaluate the progress made towards 'NL circular in 2050'.
Lexicon Circular Construction
The english version of the lexicon 'Circular Construction', created by Platform CB'23, with unambiguous terms and definitions.
Dutch national environmental database NMD
What does the Dutch National Environment Database foundation do exactly? This video explains the method behind the database.
Circular Infrastructure Business Models
In this report, the Business and Value Case working group that was part of the Open Learning Environment Circular Bridges and Viaducts details four possible circular business models for infrastructure.
Modular Construction: From projects to products
This McKinsey research quantifies the potential benefits of modular construction, explores the challenges, and looks at whether this building style will have a more widespread and sustainable impact.
Rethinking Timber Buildings
Seven perspectives on the use of timber in building design and construction.