Bronnen: English
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37 bronnen gevonden
Integrated approach to tendering process.
Experiences of front-runners and living labs for the design of the procurement and tendering process to realise circular bio-based ambitions.
Measuring Circularity Guide
This guideline contains an impetus for a core measurement method for circularity in construction. The 3.0 version has the structure of a standard. The chapter Value has been further elaborated.
Guide to Passports for the Construction Sector
One of the six guidelines that were delivered at the annual event of Platform CB'23 on June 29, 2023.
Horizontal guideline for the product performance of construction products in subsequent cycles
One of the six guidelines that were delivered at the annual event of Platform CB'23 on June 29, 2023.
Guide to Circular Design 2.0
One of the six guidelines that were delivered at the annual event of Platform CB'23 on June 29, 2023.
Accelerating the transition to a Circular and Sustainable Built Environment in 2035
Role and vision of the four Dutch Technical Universities.
Circular agrifood & biomass. Food & materials for a sustainable future
In light of current events, the crises our planet is facing and the state of our natural world have underlined the need for a circular transition in the agrifood sector.
Carbon Based Design Design: principles for CO2-reduction in residential construction
Brochure Carbon Based Design Design: principles for CO2-reduction in residential construction